The Yaounde WordPress Community gathered today to celebrate with others all over the world, WordPress’ 15th Anniversary.
It was a thrilling and enriching experience as always, gathering WordPress enthusiasts around Yaounde to partake in this event. As we celebrated, we did not go easy on the knowledge sharing part of the event.
We had some really interesting presentations by a couple of very talented WordPress enthusiasts and developers.

Some worthy mentions are:
- How to make money online with WordPress by Isaac Bolinji, our Co-Organizer
- WordPress SEO Techniques you must know by Dylan Tcheussi
- WordPress Security: Bullet-proofing your WordPress installation by Baye Gaspard
- Up and Running with WordPress: A cross-platform deployment hands-on by Emmanuel Fru (that’s me by the way 🙂 )
The talks were followed by questions by our very attentive and curious audience. People trying to learn new things just makes me really happy!
Isaac Bolinji presentating Isaac Bolinji presentating Emmanuel Fru presenting Yaounde WordPres Meetup Group
After the presentations and the Q&As, we shared some refreshments all in the spirit of celebration 🙂
A big shout-out to WordPress for hooking us up with some really cool swagg (balloons, stickers, badges etc) for the event.
15 years standing strong, WordPress is present in over 20% of all internet websites. It is by far the most versatile and reliable content management system out there.
Isaac and I were able to pull this event together thanks to our very dynamic community, I will like to thank them all. I hope you all had a blast.

You can join the Yaounde WordPress Meetup here